Download Stock Rom Acer Liquid Jade S55 Dual SIM
Rabu, 03 April 2019
Acer Liquid Jade S55 on occasion I will share how to flash acer smartphone how to flashing acer liquid jade s55, i just flashing on this hp acer, initially hp acer jade s55 can not enter the menu or experience hardbrick or dead, do not think long time i search the software and I do flashing about 15 minutes, finally my customer's hp acer jade can return to normal, for my friend who is experiencing the same thing or maybe a bootlop, or a force close error application.
NOTE !!! : I am not responsible if there is damage at the time of flashing then of that please be careful for his attention thanks.
Acer Liquid Jade S55
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Sp Flash Tools
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MTK USB Driver
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Usb vcom auto installer
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Firmware Acer Jade S55 (Dual Sim)
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Firmware Acer Jade S55 (Single SIM)
Steps of Flash Acer Liquid Jade S55
- Extract All MTK USB Driver then install on PC / laptop.
- Extract is also SpFlashtool version5 and firmware Acer Liquid that has been downloaded.
- Next open the folder extract SPFlashTool, then run flash_tool.exe right click select Run as administrator.
- After flashtool open click scatter-loading then search file MTxxxx_Android_Scatter.
- which is in the extracted fimware folder Acer Liquid, select the file and then click open.
- Then click the Download button in flashtool software sp.
- Turn off Acer Liquid (To ensure Acer Liquid in a dead state, let stand approximately approximately six seconds).
- Now connect to PC using USB Cable and automatically flashing process will run, wait until finished (If flashing process Acer Liquid not running means driver not yet installed).
- If the flashing process Acer Liquid is finished will come out green circle checklist as in the picture below.
- Now remove Acer Liquid from pc and turn it on (After flashing, first boot emang a bit long).
- Flashing Acer Liquid process is complete.
- run out flash imei lost, la to restore it set dial * # * # 3646633 # * # *, maybe not all can.