Download Stock Rom Acer Liquid Z4 Z160 (Single SIM)
Minggu, 24 Maret 2019
Acer Liquid Z4 Z160 (Single SIM) before doing flash it would be nice we can see first is a smartphone issued in 2014 ago. . Specifications are quite adequate that the prossesor this phone is embedded Dual - Core 1.2 and 512 MB of RAM. Although adequate but this specification is not enough for us to use play - the game medium - hingh. However, if to run a social media application I think very smoothly and without any constraints. However it is very unfortunate if this phone is experiencing error constraints. As touchscreen is sensitive, you forget the pattern or password, a lot of software that is error or force close, or until bootlop and sometimes hank logo or can not enter keen like other normal smartphone.
NOTE !!! : I am not responsible if there is damage at the time of flashing then of that please be careful for his attention thanks.
Acer Liquid Z4 Z160
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Sp Flash Tools
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MTK USB Driver
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Usb vcom auto installer
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MTK Droid Tools
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Firmware Acer Liquid Z4 Z160 (Single SIM)
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Firmware Acer Liquid Z4 Z160 (Dual SIM)
Steps of Flash Acer Liquid Z4 Z160
- Extract All MTK USB Driver then install on PC / laptop.
- Extract is also SP Flashtool version5 and firmware Acer Liquid that has been downloaded.
- Next open the folder extract SP FlashTool, then run flash_tool.exe right click select Run as administrator.
- After flashtool open click scatter-loading then search file MTxxxx_Android_Scatter.
- which is in the extracted fimware folder Acer Liquid, select the file and then click open.
- Then click the Download button in flashtool software sp.
- Turn off Acer Liquid (To ensure Acer Liquid in a dead state, let stand approximately approximately six seconds).
- Now connect to PC using USB Cable and automatically flashing process will run, wait until finished (If flashing process Acer Liquid not running means driver not yet installed).
- If the flashing process Acer Liquid is finished will come out green circle checklist as in the picture below.
- Now remove Acer Liquid from pc and turn it on (After flashing, first boot emang a bit long).
- Flashing Acer Liquid process is complete.
- run out flash imei lost, la to restore it set dial * # * # 3646633 # * # *, maybe not all can.